Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Memo - 5/3/2011

To: Rich Rice, English 3369 Professor

From: Colin Niebergall, Student in English 3369

Date: May 3rd, 2011

Subject: Important lesson learned while enrolled in English 3369

While taking English 3369, perception was the one concept that stuck to me through out the semester. Although other concepts are very important to the design process, perception, in my mind, has the most significance to both the designer and the audience needs. It is not just the perception of the design itself, but also the sub concepts with-in perception that got my mind running.

I enjoyed thinking about how I thought my specific audience in each of my designs would react towards what I was trying to voice. According to Kimball/Hawkins, “document design involves anything that supplies text information, giving us opportunity to communicate, convince, persuade, and express.” (rice.com/3369) The feel, the touch, the look, were all gauges towards my specific audiences wants that I had to decide by myself. These aspects can be called “visual-spatial thinking,” and although I used educated knowledge to gauge these needs, I was able to do so with out extensive research due to my perception of my individual audience. (Kimball, 73)

· Design 1 – Perception of old photo reel

· Design 2 – Perception of a Thai based text, while easy to read for the audience

· Design 3 – Perception of students that don’t want to waste time reading an flyer

· Design 4 – Perception of a relaxed state of mind that is stimulated in the movie

· Design 5 – Perception of a logo used in context with the business

This is a very important skill that designers need in this day in age to be able to compete in a larger market. In many cases, a designer will not have the ability to extensively research the target audience through market research. Market research can include, but are not limited to:

· Focus Groups

· Usability Testing

· Surveys

These research methods require time and can be very costly. As our generation moves towards the forefront of why products are being created and market, time becomes a distinct disadvantage. Our generation is based on the quickness of information that is received due to new technologies that include cellular devices and the Internet. New products and ideas can spread like a wildfire, or just be a campfire that can be put out quickly. When perception is brought into the picture, along with the designers’ ability to understand audience awareness, that designer is able to make a distinct connection with-in the target audience with out wasting valuable time and or money. Being able to do this as an individual designer can save the clients’ idea and or vision from competing companies, products, and ideas. This does not mean that market research is not valuable, but that market research has yet to be able to catch up to the speed in which products are designed and released in today’s’ market.

The above states why perception, in my mind, is the most important concept learned while taking English 3369. My final portfolio will show how I implemented the idea of perception in my re/designs, along with the other concepts learned through the class. The concepts that will be covered, include:

· Learning Objectives

o Audience Awareness

o Critical Thinking

o Diversity and Multiculturalism

o Grammar and style

o Communications Skills

Along with design principles that include:

· Design Principles

o Contrast

o Repetition

o Alignment

o Proximity